Fletcher Pneumatic Fleximaster

Stock Code. FL07-400
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Fletcher® Pneumatic Professional Fleximaster™ Point Driver is ideal for temporary fixing work into the back of a frame. The flexible point is delivered pneumatically for effortless and permanent fixing to the timber surface. - Fires tight and flat to the surface providing superior holding power
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Fletcher® Pneumatic Professional Fleximaster™ Point Driver is ideal for temporary fixing work into the back of a frame. The flexible point is delivered pneumatically for effortless and permanent fixing to the timber surface. - Fires tight and flat to the surface providing superior holding power - No “pull-back” required; slide point driver along moulding for continued firing - Ergonomically designed trigger eliminates hand fatigue - Used with FL08-995 Flexible Framer’s Points in stacks of 425 points
Colour -1
Certification Body N/A
Bulk UOM Qty 3